Ice Cream For Breakfast?

My dad taught me this little trick…and while it’s not necessarily ice cream, by definition, I like to think I’ve come across a healthy alternative. It is very simple, and measurements are dependent on how much, or how little of something you want. First, you will need Greek yogurt (I use Fage 2%). Take a serving size and place it in a bowl with your favorite granola (I go for the one sold in those big self-serve tubs at Whole Foods). Mix the two together, adding more granola if you please (it should be about equal parts yogurt and granola). As you mix, add about 2 tablespoons of water. Continue to stir until the water is fully incorporated and your yogurt mixture has become slightly looser. I like to add some ground flax seeds for a bit of fiber (1 teaspoon). Refrigerate your yogurt for a few hours or let it rest in there overnight and in the morning choose your fruit of choice, and whatever toppings you may please. I top mine with unsweetened coconut flakes and strawberries. Additionally, you can add raisins–either before or after the resting process. If you choose to add the raisins before the resting process, they will soak up moisture and become plump and soft, however, if this is not the texture you want you can always add them once the resting process is over. Due to the addition of the water, the granola softens over time and the sugar seeps into the yogurt, giving it a pleasant sweet note all the way through. Adding strawberries gives a tanginess that compliments the natural flavor of the Greek yogurt. The resting process allows the once liquidy yogurt to solidify and adopt a texture that is smooth yet dense (kind of like ice cream!). Give this one a try, it’s simple and easy and when you’re in a rush, you can pop some in a to-go container and have a healthy, hearty breakfast on the go.

Don’t Fear Your Food-Rut

The other night, after going through my usual “what to make for dinner” list I realized, I was in a food-rut. I eat bolognese, grilled chicken and rice, or roasted chicken on repeat..and not only for dinner, but leftovers for lunch too! But, while this thought did scare me at first, I turned my fright into creativity and forced my way out of my seemingly tightly-bound food box. Continue reading “Don’t Fear Your Food-Rut”