Tuna bowls 

I find these little bowls surprisingly filling, with fleeting hints of coconut and ginger, and crunch and texture from quick-pickled cucumbers. Great for a hot day 

For the rice:

1 c black rice 

1 can coconut milk

1/2c water 

Bring rice and liquid to a boil then cover and simmer for about 40-60 minutes until rice is tender (you can add more water if the rice dries before it is finished)

For the tuna:

1 pound sushi grade ahi tuna cut into bite sized chunks

3 scallions chopped

1/4 c chopped cilantro 

Sesame seeds

Mix tuna with cilantro, scallions, and sesame seeds

For the sauce:

* I like to do it by taste and add a little more or less of things as I go, here are the measurements I work off of

1/2 rice wine vinegar 

3 tbsp soy sauce

1 tsbp coconut liquid amino acids (if you can’t find that you can use ponzu sauce)

1/4 c olive oil

1 tsp grated fresh ginger

1 clove finely chopped garlic1 tsp grated fresh ginger

1 clove finely chopped garlic

Red pepper flakes

1 tbsp sriracha

Mix the vinegar, amino acids, garlic, ginger, red pepper flakes, sriracha and soy sauce together then whisk in the olive oil in a stream, pour over the tuna mixture and toss

For the cucumbers:

2-3 thinly sliced Persian/Japanese cucumbers 

1 c rice wine vinegar

1 c water

1/4 c granulated sugar 

1 tbsp kosher sat

Mix together all the ingredients in a sauce pan and bring to a boil. Once boiling remove from the heat and add the cucumbers, allow to sit for up to 10 minutes (I like to quickly blanch them just for about 3 minutes, that way some are still crunchy) strain the cucumbers and cool

To assemble:

Place the cooled rice into a bowl, spoon the tuna over the rice and top with the cooled cucumbers, sprinkle with sesame seeds and scallions

Serves about 4 

Author: Monique A.

Always cooking, always eating. From L.A. to N.Y. get some of my favorite recipes and restaurant recs

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